Author interview: Cat Hellisen
Cat Hellisen is no stranger to this blog. They are known for their haunting, atmospheric fantasy novels, including Charm, When the Sea is Rising Red, House of Sand and Secrets, and Beastkeeper. Their latest novel, Thief…
Author interview: Dawn Garisch
Dawn is a prolific writer who also happens to be a medical doctor. She has had poetry, novels, flash fiction, short stories, adult literacy booklets, travel pieces and articles published, and has had…
Masha du Toit: We Broke the Moon and reinventing the family unit
Masha du Toit talks about her new book and how she redefined the family for a generational spaceship based on feminist values.
6 Things authors should know about cover design
Today I was invited to speak on a cover design panel at the Romance Writers of South Africa annual conference. It was a surreal moment because it brought back all the memories of when…
My O.W.L Readathon 2020 wrap-up – 12 books, 12 reviews
I tackled a Harry Potter themed readathon that I've been dying to try for ages.
Something to Proof – A Keyflame short story
“Okay Fatso, we’ve got an hour to pull this off.” The cat looks up at me with his tongue out, caught mid-bath, his leg pointing delicately towards the front door. I press down…
Creating Keyflame’s cover
Creating Keyflame’s cover was a journey almost as long as writing Keyflame itself. When I decided to publish Keyflame via Amazon back in 2010, it was more whim than business decision. I didn’t…
Which Daughter of Smoke and Bone cover do you prefer?
Who knew Daughter of Smoke and Bone had so many different covers?
Ninth House – Leigh Bardugo (Review)
Like all Bardugo's books, Ninth House is ultimately a story about privilege, identity, and the bonds that can be formed in adversary.
How much of Keyflame is real?
I lived in Grahamstown for four years while studying Journalism at Rhodes University. I loved my time there more than words can say, but in my final year I tried to find some…